Posted in The Words of Yahweh to Jeremiah

Jeremiah 9:23-24

Hear what Yahweh says,
“The wise should not boast in their wisdom
Nor the mighty boast in their strength,
Nor the wealthy boast in their riches.
But let boasters boast only in this,
{to them it has been given} They know and trust me.
They know that I am Yahweh and I do what delights me in all the earth – I overflow my love, I bring justice, I execute righteousness.
I, Yahweh, have spoken.

Explanation for even the littlest ones:
Creator God wants to tell us something. He says that people should not think they are better than someone else because of what they own or what they have done.
One thing only makes us special or different than someone else and that one thing is a gift God Himself has given to us. The gift is that we get to know God. We get to know that our Creator God is Yahweh. We get to know and believe that He is our loving Father and Shepherd. We get to know that He is always doing his favorite things in the world around us.
And what are his favorite things to do? God loves to pours out His love and overflow it everywhere. He loves to take care of the sad and helpless. He loves to make beautiful good things where beautiful good things could never be.
This is what our Shepherd God says to us.